Target shooting coverage on the BBC

Categories: General

Scottish shooter Jen McIntosh  BBC Sport Monthly talks to Jen McIntosh and Neil Stirton about the tricky sport of target shooting after their success in Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games.

More training…

Categories: Training

23.11.10More training. Basic mechanics are sound, but my head just wasn't in the game so the aiming was appalling.

Phase change

Categories: Training

Experiencing a phase change in shooting from "damn, this is difficult" to "this is so straightforward..."

DURC 10m Open 2010

Categories: DURC, Events

Screen and bear it...Taking part in the DURC 10m Air Open and posting the highest score of the day...

Balance bags and progress

Categories: humour, Training, WTSC

Togu balance bagsBalance bags for live firing exercises, kidding about during training, and my predictions for the upcoming DURC Airgun Open this weekend.

Baikal IZH-61 Air Rifle

Categories: General, WTSC

IZH-61 Air RifleTesting an IZH-61 as a possible cheap entry point to ISSF olympic-style air rifle shooting.

Hack and slash!

Categories: General, Training

Second cut... Hacking and slashing at the shooting jacket shoulder to try to improve the end results.