DURC 10m Open 2010

Categories: DURC, Events

Screen and bear it...Taking part in the DURC 10m Air Open and posting the highest score of the day...

Good Luck Steven and Gary!

Categories: DURC, Events, General

Steven Watterson and Gary Duff are shooting in Dehli for the Commonwealth Games thisweek, in what look to be very nice facilities despite the media reports:

Dehli 10m airgun range

Good luck l… Read the rest

UCD Open Thursday detail

Categories: DURC Squad, Events

Well, we couldn’t get everyone on the squad to go to the match on the weekend because some had work and other things they couldn’t get out of. So we organised … Read the rest

WTSC Open January 2007

Categories: DURC Squad, Events

With all the work being done for the NTSA, some stuff is falling through the cracks. For example, there was very little notice for this weekend’s Open in Wilkinst… Read the rest

DURC Squad

Categories: DURC Squad

So the DURC novice squad has stopped training over the christmas break. And so far I’m very upbeat about this year’s squad. Several complete naturals, se… Read the rest

DURC Squad kicks off again

Categories: DURC Squad

The DURC squad for next year’s Colours match started training last night. Last year, we had 12 shooters show up for the first night of training, and we were a littl… Read the rest

Intervarsities 2006

Categories: DURC Squad, Events

I haven’t posted anything on the Intervarsities since the match, mainly because of some problems regarding team makeup and scores caused by confusion on the da… Read the rest