Small improvements

Categories: Training

Back to the pool last night. Managed six lengths before having to stop for a few minutes, and managed either 19 or 21 lengths over the 90 minutes or so I was in the pool. Whic… Read the rest

Anschutz Air Rifle Cylinder Recall

Categories: General

At this point, everyone probably knows about this, but just in case, given the damage that a faulty air cylinder could cause (lots. Seriously. Lots) I think it’s … Read the rest

Back in the water

Categories: Training

This swimming malarky is going well, I think. Ten lengths last night. Not bad for someone who three or four posts ago was unable to get in the pool without trying to hyperv… Read the rest

Long weekend

Categories: General

Been a bit of a long weekend really. Friday was a fundraising barbecue in Wilkinstown. Not a bad turnout, and we raised over a thousand euro for the team, so we’re s… Read the rest

Swimming again

Categories: Training

Went back to the pool last night. Managed eight lengths this time, four of them without that little floating board thingy they give newbies to lessen the number of bodie… Read the rest