Post-Kuortane disaster recovery
So I got back from Kuortane with a great deal of motivation and a notebook full of technical and training ideas, and a plan to dive back into the training and go for the Brit… Read the rest
So I got back from Kuortane with a great deal of motivation and a notebook full of technical and training ideas, and a plan to dive back into the training and go for the Brit… Read the rest
So it’s lunchtime in Finland, and I’m in day two of a training camp in Kuortane. My back’s aching, my arms are tired, I’m generally run into th… Read the rest
Well, my dreams of uninterrupted broadband access for the entire trip didn’t quite work out – for the last two days I wasn’t able to upload photos or … Read the rest
Sorry folks, little time here, but a quick update – Susan Cunningham has taken a silver medal in the Junior Women’s Air Rifle match here! More later tonigh… Read the rest
The first day of the event proper kicked off early this morning, with the team having breakfast together in the Surrey Rifle Club at 0730. Not quite bright-eyed and bush… Read the rest
Well, we made it here in one piece – eventually! – and everyone’s settled into their accommodations. A bit of changing around of rooms and so on when … Read the rest
Kickoff is getting closer. Final itinerary being prepared, but we’re hampered by the lack of squadding times from the NSRA, who are swamped, since they’… Read the rest
Long time since posting here last, but it’s not been idle time. We’ve just spent the last year concluding a review of the NTSA’s internal structure… Read the rest
One of the things that has come up in the aftermath of the Colours loss is the question of where the squad goes from here. That’s led in turn to a degree of soul-searc… Read the rest
… Read the restColours 2007 Results Contributed by Collegiate Officer
Sunday, 04 March 2007
The Results are in….
The 2007 Colours Event between UCD and