Handguns to go away again?

Categories: General

It’s been a depressing fortnight.

Look, for those who don’t know the backstory, here it is. In Ireland, pistols have never been illegal to own. Ever. Up un… Read the rest

Archery humour

Categories: Archery, General

One of the things I was hoping for when I started with the archery was that it’d be a sport that herself indoors might try as well – I’ve been involved i… Read the rest

More retail archery…

Categories: Archery

Ordered the various bits and bobs I need to repair the fletching on the arrows, and while I was at it, got some wraps for the arrows as well from socx (nothing fancy, just or… Read the rest


Categories: Archery, Training, WTSC

Went out to WTSC to finally get to shoot the new kit on the bow this weekend, after finally getting two new 70″ (yes, I checked 😀 ) strings for the bow. Bracing Height Hooray for the r… Read the rest