Letter to the Minister

Categories: General

As sent today:

I write with a deep sense of alarm at your proposed Criminal Justice
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009. I have studied your published

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Evil black gun shooting

Categories: General, humour

When you’re in the Midlands, you can shoot an awful lot of stuff (really, only airgun and archery are omitted at the moment). Joe Costello (Chair of the SSAI and on… Read the rest

VCRAI Vintage Rifle Shoot

Categories: Events, General

Every so often, you should try something new, even if only for the craic, so this weekend myself and Conor and Dave wandered off to the Midlands range to shoot some fullbo… Read the rest

Irish Shooting Politics…

Categories: General, Links

…is messy and unpleasant at the best of times. Oddly enough, the actual sport-related stuff is fairly free of acrimony; the negotiations between Governing Bod… Read the rest

Back to smallbore…

Categories: General

So I gave up on finding my missing smallbore sights (I think they’ve walked at this stage 🙁 ) and last night went down to the range, took out the 2013 and put a pair of c… Read the rest