DURC 10m Open 2010

Categories: DURC, Events

So the plan was to finish work at 1800h, get home by 1830h, eat, change into underarmour and tracksuit, head for UCD by 1900h, get there by 1930h and spend at least 20 minutes wall-watching, be on the line in full kit and good to go by the start of prep time. It didn’t quite work out that way, I deferred leaving until 1940h and got to UCD by 2010h. Still plenty of time, still did my wall watching, wasn’t rushed and somehow still manged to be dressing during prep time. D’oh.

Changing into the shooting suit...

Still, I did get a good five minutes of settling into the position during prep, so that was an improvement on the usual mad rush I get buried by.

Herself Indoors also turned up to watch and take photos, which was nice 🙂


The position felt constructed in the first third of the match; by which I mean that it felt like it has in training – set up the position, hold and wait for the rifle to come down and take the shot. It wasn’t horrible, but it didn’t feel remarkable really, just putting training into practice on another range. But… there were eights. Bleuch.

String 1

I’m not even sure of why there were eights. Though, apart from them (to play the traditional “what if I’d shot better” game beloved of shooters 🙄 ), the group was nice enough.

I hit problems in the middle of the match more than anywhere else; the position lost its definitive ‘clunk’ when dropping the rifle into position and I found I was having to watch my sight picture far more than normal. Most of the nines in the middle 20 shots were down to sight alignment, not sway or wobble, oddly enough. I dropped the foresight from 4.4mm to 4.3mm and dialed down the rearsight diopter to 1.1mm; this seemed to help a lot.

In Position...
Then the last 20 shots came up, and by now I was concerned over time pressure and was shooting faster; and something just clicked and the rifle started to lock into the position. Buttplate, pistol grip, glove hand, raise rifle, swing elbow, drop into –thunk– place, cant into the face, roll head forward, drop eyes to look at bear, raise eyes to check NPA and aim, pause, hold, shoot, follow-through, and up and reload and do it over again. It felt wonderful. No sway as such, all the muscles had relaxed, everything was just flowing along. Brilliant.

Firing point setup

Firing point setup

Screen and bear it...

Yes, I said bear 😀 Meet the mascot, which also plays the role of giving a visual focal point when looking away to check NPA…

Now as to the results, I was hoping to break 540. I comfortably left that behind:

Final group and score

DURC 10m Open 2010 Mark Dennehy

564 is 5 points below my PB; and there are five 8s in that score. So it was potentially my PB. Not bad for a first match back…

Detail 2 scores

The first match for the new cheekpiece left an impression as well:

Cheekpiece impression after the match

Postscript: Came in second when all the scores were in, Ray posted an excellent 580 for a convincing trouncing, but 2nd place on the first match back is still fine by me!

Scores up from shooting.boards.ie:

Air Rifle 60 Shot

Rank Shooter Club Total Inner 10s
1Ray KaneDFST9495991009696580(34*)
2Mark DennehyWTSC949393959396564(21*)
3Paul O’BoyleWTSC909391909593552(20*)
4Terry WearenDFST919394918991549(8*)
5Tian CareyUCDRC879195859494546(20*)
6John LancasterUCDRC889492899192546(18*)
7Diyu WuDURC859388919190538(15*)
8Lorcan O’CarrolDURC898789948690535(11*)
9Siobhan ScarlettDURC828285899186515(7*)
10Micahel CullinanDURC798876828489498(7*)
11Hossein HabibiUCDRC797787878079489(9*)
12Frank LaveryDURC858776778282489(8*)
13Tim HynesDURC778077808480478(5*)
14Ian Beatty OrrDURC807680777582470(6*)
15Logan HasenbeckDURC777774708383464(3*)
16Tayyaub MansoorUCDRC867377818264463(5*)
17Claire LeydenUCDRC757075838476463(2*)
18Evan BoydUCDRC798175707876459(5*)
19Tony DonnellyUCDRC727868757778448(2*)
20Donal BourkeUCDRC748075757172447(1*)
21Aoife O’ReillyDURC797377787064441(0*)
22Julian Ewers PetersDURC766979687077439(2*)
23Roohallah EbrahimiUCDRC767273726866427(5*)
24Ivan De WergifosseDURC717670517281421(1*)
25Paul GibbonsUCDRC736470596974409(3*)
26Emily WallaceDURC697856587670407(3*)
27Sasheendran GopalakrishnakoneDURC627363726863401(3*)
28Maria TraceyUCDRC737158607256390(2*)
29John TaaffeUCDRC646863626558380(1*)
30Claudio SansoneDURC497342646877373(0*)
31Sean O’CallaghanDURC606570584968370(1*)
32Diarmuid O’MaolalaiDURC595956484765334(1*)
33Paul MaloneUCDRC556553493465321(1*)

Air Rifle 40 Shot

Rank Shooter Club Total Inner 10s
1Caitriona MurphyDURC86778392338(7*)
2Yuecong WangUCDRC85878877337(5*)
3Yanxuedan ZhangUCDRC81847062297(2*)
4Sheila CurleyUCDRC51524953205(0*)

Air Pistol 60 Shot

Rank Shooter Club Total Inner 10s
1Lindsey WeedonMPAI867992898987522(5*)
2Caroline O’BrienRRPC898682898488518(4*)
3Eanna BaileyMPAI827883908886507(5*)
4John Lancaster ℗UCDRC818385828785503(1*)
5John O’BrienRRPC838879858280497(4*)
6Luke McMullanUCDRC788384768479484(4*)
7Philip ConwayUCDRC738379737265445(2*)
8Martha NaughtonUCDRC586559636775387(1*)
9Aisling Miller ℗DURC585151657162358(1*)

Class A 40 Series

Rank Shooter Club Total Inner 10s
1Ray KaneDFST949599100388(25*)
2Mark DennehyWTSC94939395375(11*)
3Paul O’BoyleWTSC90939190364(14*)

Class B 40 Series

Rank Shooter Club Total Inner 10s
1Terry WearenDFST91939491369(7*)
2John LancasterUCDRC88949289363(11*)
3Lorcan O’CarrolDURC89878994359(10*)
4Tian CareyUCDRC87919585358(13*)
5Diyu WuDURC85938891357(9*)

Class C 40 Series

Rank Shooter Club Total Inner 10s
1Caitriona MurphyDURC86778392338(7*)
2Micahel CullinanDURC79887682325(5*)
3Aoife O’ReillyDURC79737778307(0*)

Class D 40 Series

Rank Shooter Club Total Inner 10s
1Siobhan ScarlettDURC82828589338(6*)
2Yuecong WangUCDRC85878877337(5*)
3Hossein HabibiUCDRC79778787330(7*)
4Frank LaveryDURC85877677325(5*)
5Tayyaub MansoorUCDRC86737781317(4*)
6Tim HynesDURC77807780314(4*)
7Ian Beatty OrrDURC80768077313(3*)
8Evan BoydUCDRC79817570305(3*)
9Donal BourkeUCDRC74807575304(1*)
10Claire LeydenUCDRC75707583303(0*)
11Logan HasenbeckDURC77777470298(1*)
12Yanxuedan ZhangUCDRC81847062297(2*)
13Roohallah EbrahimiUCDRC76727372293(4*)
14Tony DonnellyUCDRC72786875293(2*)
15Julian Ewers PetersDURC76697968292(1*)
16Sasheendran GopalakrishnakoneDURC62736372270(1*)
17Ivan De WergifosseDURC71767051268(0*)
18Paul GibbonsUCDRC73647059266(2*)
19Maria TraceyUCDRC73715860262(2*)
20Emily WallaceDURC69785658261(2*)
21John TaaffeUCDRC64686362257(1*)
22Sean O’CallaghanDURC60657058253(1*)
23Claudio SansoneDURC49734264228(0*)
24Paul MaloneUCDRC55655349222(1*)
25Diarmuid O’MaolalaiDURC59595648222(1*)
26Sheila CurleyUCDRC51524953205(0*)

Fun Final

Rank Shooter Club Total
1Ray KaneDFST9.510.
2Tian CareyUCDRC10.
3Michael CullinanDURC9.
4Frank LaveryDURC5.
5Tim HynesDURC9.
6Donal BourkeUCDRC2.
7Ivan De WergifosseDURC5.
8Julian Ewers-PetersDURC3.


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