Munich World Cup
Men and Women’s air rifle was today – scores were as high as they usually are in a European-based WC, with 599 and 399 the highest in each. Lots of shoot-offs for finals places on scores of 597 and 398 as well. Not sure what the pretzels were all about:
Interesting to see Walthers and Feinwerkbau P700s as the air rifle of choice. I’m still happy with my Anschutz (and the 2002CA has several Olympic medals to recommend it as well), but it’s interesting to watch the equipment used, if only to sate the inner technophile…
Looking at how the AR40 and AR60 scores distributed (and the inner tens in both) is interesting. Firstly, it’s really stacking up there at the top, and secondly the inner tens track the actual ranking fairly well, showing it’s a relatively fair way to break ties: