Firearms Consultation Panel conference

Categories: General, NTSA and sports administration

One of the odd things about target shooting administration in Ireland is that there aren’t many people in it. Most of the shooters want to, well, shoot. Meaning that about 2% of the people do 98% of the work involved in running matches, keeping clubs going, meeting the Powers That Be and so forth – and also meaning that when something large like the FCP happens, a lot of the old hands who were involved in specific areas get called back in to lend a hand (or frontal lobe, as the case may be).

In my case, I was pretty involved in the meetings and analysis which followed the changes to the Firearms Acts laid out in the Criminal Justice Act 2006. As a result, I’ve been tapped once or twice since I stepped down from the NTSA committee last year to give an opinion on some stuff that led on from that. Hence the invitation to this week’s FCP conference that dropped in my letterbox last week. There’s no confidentiality agreement involved here so far as I know, so here’s the agenda. I’ll report on it afterwards (and maybe during).


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