NTSA Squad training
I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.
–Kahlil Gibran
Finally convinced by Matt (well, actually more like being told!) to go to the NTSA Squad training. Pretty much the entire line was either WTSC or WTSC-trained. Picked a bad firing point (concrete under my heels and metal inspection hatch a few millimetres lower under my toes) – one of the pistol firing points. Then went working on balance for the next hour or so. Very fustrating – shooting bad groups but knowing that I can do better. Didn’t have to worry in the end about being coached by a different coach so close to the Championships, as Barry never came near us, being too busy with the other WTSC shooters.
Did notice a rearward sag in the shoulders when raising the rifle. Must keep an eye on this and talk to Matt about it.
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