Checking on progress with the RIKA
Measuring my baseline performance with the RIKA to compare against earlier performance levels.
Painting the ten…
Approach is okay, hold is okay,triggering is so-so but release is awful.
Diagnosing the incredibly obvious problem from the UCD Open and improving as a result...
DIY barrel weight plus proper mental game equals tens!
An evening spent bodging up a barrel weight, improving the approach to the target, and finally finding a solution to a hole in my mental game.
Endurance, a new blinder, and trigger changes
An evening spent building up endurance on the range, testing a new blinder and tweaking the trigger setup.
A good solid evening’s training
A good day's training interrupted by various hardware glitches, WTF and D'Oh moments.
Also, planning for next weekend's match in UCD
More blinder work
New blinder design following feedback from fellow ISSF judges, and more RIKA dry-firing.
…yup, that was a mistake. D’Oh…
Arrived at the range, stretched (need to buy a yoga mat for this, you wouldn’t believe how dusty the floor of a rifle range can get…) and warmed up, and start… Read the rest
I may have made a mistake…
....or a major improvement. I don't know yet, and probably won't know for a week or so. That's the nature of changing your rifle setup...