DURC 10m Air Rifle Open

Categories: Events

The DURC 10m Open was a bit of a disaster for me personally this year. The lack of training time really showed itself, with a 24-point drop from the UCD open to 531. My posit… Read the rest

DURC Air Rifle Open

Categories: General

The DURC Air Rifle Open starts tonight. Range Officer duty tonight for me, and on Saturday, and then I shoot on Sunday.… Read the rest

Fassaroe Open

Categories: Events

Very low attendance since half of WTSC is down with flu and Rhona, Declan and Liam Spillane are all off in Guthenberg at the European championships.

Still sick on the day … Read the rest


Categories: General

So I’m guessing this is a bad head cold. Which probably means I won’t shoot this weekend for the WAIDAM open, though I’m still planning on going (and … Read the rest

Argh and Dammit

Categories: General

You know, if I were religious, I’d be worried. No sooner had we repaired the damage from the first lightning strike, but we had another one – this time not a m… Read the rest


Categories: Training

Okay, minor glitch. A lightning strike near my house has fried my phone line and my net access is shot for the time being. So no posts here for a few days.

However, on the ups… Read the rest

UCD Air Rifle Competition

Categories: Events

A back-dated entry, since phone lines and computers don’t react well to lightning strikes!

This turned out to be my highest competition score so far, which rath… Read the rest

WTSC Open 1

Categories: Events

Shot a 545. Exceeded target by 5 points. Quite pleased with that, though the score is nowhere near what I would have been happy with at one point obviously.

Diary Templat… Read the rest


Categories: General

Well the open’s tomorrow. Training has not gone the way I wanted it to, I’ve spent the week at home working on the thesis and training has consisted of stand… Read the rest


Categories: General

The first Wilkinstown Air Rifle Open of the year has been moved back by a week to next weekend. This is the first on my list of competitions to attend this year, and I’… Read the rest