Hmmm. Well, the blog’s been picked up by Hope you guys find it to be in some way interesting, and maybe you’ll even give olympic target shoo… Read the rest
Hmmm. Well, the blog’s been picked up by Hope you guys find it to be in some way interesting, and maybe you’ll even give olympic target shoo… Read the rest
After a rather bad training session at lunch, and a two-hour delay picking up the last gift for herself (thank you all the bad drivers who were converging on Blanchardst… Read the rest
So I knew it couldn’t last. Today’s lunchtime training was awful. Couldn’t feel the inner position at all, my hold was worse than yesterday, and my … Read the rest
15 minutes spent just practising today. Never even pulled through the second stage on the trigger, just ran through the mount of the rifle over and over. Range time tomo… Read the rest
Another lunchtime spent in my socks holding an empty air rifle. (Now there’s something I wouldn’t have thought I’ve have said in previous years). … Read the rest
These lunchtime training sessions are rather short; but that’s proving to be a strength, as you just pick one thing and watch that. Like today, for instance; I fo… Read the rest
Surprising how easy it is to train for 20 minutes during lunch. No jacket, no trousers, no target, just you, a glove and the rifle. Two minutes to put the sights on, fiftee… Read the rest
Another hard night’s fun 🙂 Got the new buttplate mounted on the rifle and adjusted to close to the old buttplate’s position by measurements, then shot a bi… Read the rest
My new MEC Contact II buttplate arrived today! €65 on Ebay as well, which was nice. Tomorrow evening will be installing and setting it up. Photos to follow soon!
Also, … Read the rest
The overall open went quite well, with only the odd problem or two which we were able to solve. It was good to see Paddy Ashe’s son and daughter there to present his c… Read the rest