GB Jr Intl 07 – Day Zero!
Well, we made it here in one piece – eventually! – and everyone’s settled into their accommodations. A bit of changing around of rooms and so on when we got here, but you expect hiccups like that; and Matt and Geoff got far too little sleep on the way over with all the gear in the van, but they’re crashed out now catching up on that. The team’s in high spirits, we’re expecting a mass of shooters tomorrow (160 other shooters to compete against!) and the lemon meringue pie is excellent!
Some random shots from the day:
Check-in at Dublin airport.
Some of the entourage went for the patriotic green look…
Eddie and Shane in Gatwick
Where the heck are they? Marina waiting on the girls in Gatwick.
Damien waiting on the train in Gatwick train station.
More of Gatwick train station…
Geoff and Marina (Geoff’s on the left! ) at the Army Target Shooting Club in Bisley, home to Team Ireland for the next week or so.
Susan at the ATSC.
Team Ireland. Left to Right: Susan, Damien, Paula, Elizabeth, Shane.
Overshadowing everything here is the threat from the foot&mouth outbreak. The panic zone seems to be right up on top of us here in the camp, with all outdoor shooting shut down at present. The NRA (who run the camp) are saying that it’s a temporary measure and it’ll all be back to normal by Tuesday, in time to start preperations for Bisley Week on wednesday – we’ve all got our fingers crossed on that one.
And so to bed, much later than the shooter’s 2230 curfew… and up tomorrow at 0640 to kick the morning off with the first team breakfast!
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