It's all about size…

Categories: Training

…foresight size, that is. Decided to see what varying the size of the foresight would do to my group size. Matt moved me from a 4.5mm to a 4.4mm a few weeks back, so I thought I’d try a larger and a smaller size. So warmed up and shot two 20-shot matches with a 5.0mm and a 4.0mm foresight, then a ten-shot string with a 4.5mm triangular foresight for curiosity’s sake. The scores from the 4.0mm were better (96,96 with at least 2 points dropped due to sights not being clicked two clicks left) than the 5.0mm (98,91), but the 5.0mm will probably be better for training as it makes you work a lot harder on the hold (while the 4.0mm makes you work much harder on sight picture).
Must talk to Matt on this. Last real training day tomorrow before Bisley!


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