WTSC 12-hr Shootathon
An interesting event on Sunday – the first 12hr Shootathon. The idea was to run an event to raise funds for the Bisley trip next month, so we ran an endurance shoot over 12 hours with shooters sponsored in the age-old sponsorship card fashion. Not a bad result, with over a grand taken in on the day and some more still due.
Myself, I shot for four and a half hours before I had to give up my place on the line for new shooters. Two matches, a 60 and a 40 shot match, both with bad scores. However, I had just changed my buttplate (Richard noticed the top segment had rotated too far and was outside ISSF limits. D’Oh!), which messed up my entire shot plan from the first step 🙁
Gah. And especially Gah to the 4 that crept in thanks to a buttplate slip. *sigh*
So after the two matches, I rebuilt the buttplate to the full ISSF legal limit, and Matt and I spent a half-hour redoing the start of the shot plan to get around the change in the buttplate shape. I’ll train with this for the next week or so and we’ll see how it gets on. As Geoff pointed out though, when the shots are going in, they’re sweet – very tight groupings. But it’s the fliers that kill you…
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