Defeat of the 'flu? And air pistols.
Wow. So up and about by Monday, eh? Not the best prediction, thanks Doc. It’s now Thursday evening, and today’s the first time since last Friday that I could swallow without pain. The penicillin worked, albiet waiting until the last three tablets to do so, and the swelling is going down and I’ll be back to work next week, but that’s now three weeks without training. Gah. There is an informal match in Wilkinstown this weeked because the UCD open was postponed for two weeks (the Open got scheduled on top of the UCD midterm break… *sigh*. Gotta love the admin, you really do. Otherwise, you’d wind up being a contrary so-and-so who criticised stuff like that all the time…). I might make it to that to humiliate myself, but I don’t know for sure – given that I can’t walk upstairs without needing a sit-down right now, a 105-minute standing match sounds a tad ambitious. We’ll see…
Annnnyway, some good news on the air pistol front, we seem to have found a possible source for a Baikal IZH-46 air pistol. Nice basic model that would take you to World Cup level if you were good enough – sortof like the Feinwerkbau 600 series of the air pistol world, which may make as much sense to the non-air-rifle shooters amongst you as a Dutch translation of Homer’s Illiad. Put it this way: it’s Russian; it’s very rough in the non-essential areas; it’s a beginner’s pistol with a lot of potential; it’s cheap; and it’s very popular with those that want to hit the ten instead of having the flashest pistol on the range š
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